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Community and Mental Health Resources

If you are feeling overwhelmed and/or distressed as a result of the ongoing pandemic, please ask for help. Call 911 if you believe there is an immediate danger to your life or someone else.


TIP: A local crisis or distress call centre is a great resource, even when it isn't you that is in a crisis. Call them if you need advice on how to manage and approach someone else in crisis. 

Supportive Friend

In Crisis




Somali Centre for Family Services


South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre 

Youth Services Bureau

  • YSB Mental Health Services: (613) 562-3004

  • 24/7 Crisis Line: (613) 260-2360



If you, your friend or family member is in crisis, consider doing the following:


  • If you are worried that yourself or someone else is suicidal, then do not leave them alone. Get help immediately — call 911 (Police/Fire/EMS).

  • Call a local crisis line for advice.

  • Call 911 (On uOttawa campus, call University of Ottawa Protection Services at (613) 562-5411)

  • Call a friend or family member to help support you!

  • Your nearest Hospital emergency room- If you cannot reach a hospital in time, call 911. 



Community Crises Lines

CRISes OR DISTRESS resources


  • Tel-Aide Outaouais

    • (613) 741-6433 (Ottawa)

    • (819) 775-3223 (Gatineau)

    • 1+(800) 567-9699 (Toll-free)

Ottawa Community Services

  • Canadian Mental Health Association: (613) 737-7791

  • Distress Centre: (613) 238-3311 (24 hours)

  • Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre: (613) 722-6521

  • Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre: 613-562-2333

  • Mental Health Crisis Line: 613-722-6914 (24 hours)

Additional resources in ottawa-gatineau


University of Ottawa Services


Additional Canadian Resources



COVID-19 Mental Health Resources from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CAMH)


Note: If you are feeling overwhelmed and/or distressed as a result of the ongoing pandemic, please do not hesitate to ask for help. Please call 911 if you believe there is an immediate danger to your life or someone else.

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